Hi everyone! My name is Rusty Coonfield and here is my BLOG. That's short for "weblog" to you. Kind of like an online journal which may or may not include subjects like: how to use a Macintosh computer, cool and useful websites, new technologies, photos of outdoor pursuits and my family and friends. Please add you comments and have fun! -Rusty

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Cop flips on kids for skating downtown in Hot Springs Arkansas

Cop flips on kids for skating downtown in Hot Springs Arkansas. Jarad Graham, Drew Irwin, Skylar Nalls, Matt McCormack, Robbie Brindley, & Casey Canterbury get arrested.

There is a big debate about this video. Fact is that this cop was way over the top. it's obvious in the video that most of these kids were cooperating and that if there was any "resisting" it was verbally only. These kids were making a statement. Their parents should be proud that they felt the need to stand up against something they felt was injust (the city ordinance that prohibits skateboarding downtown.) They chose the newly formed National Skateboarding Day as their day to try and bring light to what they beleive in.

(501) 321-6789

Bobby Southard
641 Malvern Ave.
Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901

Sentinel Record's Newspaper
501 623-7711 ask ext 119
don@hotsr.com editor@hotsr.com
Hot Springs Village Voice
501-623-6397 advertising@hotspringsvillagevoice.net
Aetn-Public TV 501 682-4183
Katv Channel 7 501 324 7514
Kvth-TV 26 501 255 1525 kim.worden@vtntv.com

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