Hi everyone! My name is Rusty Coonfield and here is my BLOG. That's short for "weblog" to you. Kind of like an online journal which may or may not include subjects like: how to use a Macintosh computer, cool and useful websites, new technologies, photos of outdoor pursuits and my family and friends. Please add you comments and have fun! -Rusty

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Blogo Review + Ziplining in Cabo, Skimboarding in Miami

A test post from Blogo. Drug one photo directly from iPhoto and the other from Flickr on Safari - NICE!
but... Blogo is annoyingly laggy on my PB 1.33/768/OS10.5 and it has some big hitches in its interface. It took me forever to figure out how to switch back to regular blogging from micro blog mode! It is the best blogging tool I have seen in a while but why can't someone do better! I mean, Web 2.0 is here and you'd think someone would create something really nice. Blogo is ok but I will not be paying the $25 to keep it until it comes out of its currently beta-ish concatenation.

Jennstar & I ziplining in Cabo

Not me, but I wish

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