Hi everyone! My name is Rusty Coonfield and here is my BLOG. That's short for "weblog" to you. Kind of like an online journal which may or may not include subjects like: how to use a Macintosh computer, cool and useful websites, new technologies, photos of outdoor pursuits and my family and friends. Please add you comments and have fun! -Rusty

Monday, June 19, 2006

Major Update

Well, It has been over a year since my last post here on the ole blog. Let's see if I can remember the whole last year to provide an update... It has gone so quickly and things have gone mostly as planned for a change.

Jennifer of course found her way to Little Rock and after working at a florist and the airport and then part time for the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission she finally got a full time job with the ANHC. This is the agency she said that she really wanted to work for when she started looking at jobs in Arkansas over a year ago. This is a state land management agency in the southern United States where permanent, full-time jobs are hard to come by. That's my wife! She will on the simplest of terms be responsible for all the vegetation in ANHCs managed areas.

Jennifer and I live at Country Air Estates. We rent a house from Don, the guy who dreamt up and created Country Air. Country Air is a residential private airpark. It's kinda like a golfing community except we have runways instead of putting greens. Our neighbors are fantastic and we have a fly-in breakfast once a month. So every month a bunch of people fly in from all over the state to have breakfast. It's sorta like an airshow... Every Month! Furthermore Jennifer and I are planning on building a house here at Country Air. There will certainly be photos of the project as it happens up on my website. We're hoping to break ground in the next month!

I have been working at Central Flying Service as a flight instructor this whole time. I got my Instrument Instructor certificate a few months ago. I have also been flight instructing out at Country Air. In addition to lot's of instructing I provide pilot services to a few local businesses that own airplanes. I am flying a Mooney, a couple of brand new Cirrus, a Bonanza, and a Seneca (which is multi-engine). One of the companies I fly for reguarly is buying a Baron soon! (also multi-engine). Multi engine time is important because it satisfies the insurance companies and allows me to fly more and different kinds of airplanes and thus expanding my marketability. I occasionally get to fly a King Air 90 also (not by myself yet) which is a turbo-prop airplane (turbine engines instead of piston) that can fly up around 25,000 feet! Very fun! So moving to Little Rock is definitely paying off. I am still paying my dues but there is definitely a nice big ladder up toward the light!

I know it doesn't sound like much but getting a house built and trying to focus on careers is all Jenn and I have had time for much lately. Occasionally we get to go on some adventures but they are not as many as we would like. Jenn and I are enjoying being near some of our best friends and family. If we only had a bit more time to see them! I have found that being your own boss is one of the most demanding situations you can find yourself in. But is does allow some freedoms some times. All-in-all Jennifer and I are working really hard. Hopefully one day we may find that we got to where we thought we were going and can have more time to spend with you all having fun adventures.

Cyall l8r